Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Experiences?

If employees have been successful following a certain track and using certain skills, they are apt to find it very difficult to change. Why should they change? It has worked before, and they have done well. They are prisoners of their own experiences.

It is just this attitude that makes the actual transfer of training to the workplace so very challenging.

  • Relevance. First, as a leader of needed changes in behavior, you have to convince the learners of the importance of learning new ways of doing things.

  • Adoption. And then you have to have the patience to let them practice the skills on-the-job and be allowed to fail now and then.

  • Impact. Finally you have to measure the frequency, proficiency and impact of the new behaviors through ongoing coaching and an aligned performance management and reward system.
To help workers break free from their old ways, the transfer of training requires a whole support system of managers who believe in and model the changed behaviors, of a skilled coaching staff, of flexibility as changes are practiced, and of a reward plan that promotes application and adoption of the new skills.

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