How Behavior Theory Can Help with the Transfer of Training

With all the research and experiments conducted on how and why people and animals change behavior, there should be an application to the transfer of training within the corporate environment. And there is.

Behavioral researchers have concluded that there are multiple factors that affect changes in behavior. Simply put, they are: commitment, skills, environment, social norms, beliefs and feelings about the change, and perceived ability to make the change.

Behavioral change on the job is analogous. Employees need to:

1.    Believe in the Relevance: Buy into the change because they are persuaded that the change is in the company’s best interest and their own
2.    Have the Required Skills: Be trained in the necessary skills
3.    Feel Supported and Reinforced: Know that there is support throughout the company
4.    Be Aligned: Feel that there is alignment with company goals and values as well as with their personal belief system
5.    Observe Positive Results: Have the confidence that they can indeed change and improve

If you can design your training initiatives to cover the above needs, you are well on your way to observing the new, desired behaviors within your own corporate lab.