How to Get the Most Value from Your Training

No need, we hope, to convince you of the value of targeted, relevant training.

But, once the training is over, are you sure that you are getting real payback from your investment? Employees may well have proven that they have learned the new skills in the workshop. But can you ensure the skills will be adopted on the job? Or that they will improve performance?

A study conducted by Training Industry, Inc. found that almost two-thirds of those surveyed felt that knowledge transfer in their organization was ineffective. And the apparent reason? The lack of a formal process for transferring that knowledge. Further study indicated that there is a single best practice strategy that outperforms all the rest for the effective transfer of training—coaching.

Set up a network of coaches to work one-on-one with newly trained workers. Their coaching should encourage practice of the new skills and guide the employee toward application of the skills regularly on the job. This is a great way to get the most value from your training.

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