How Not to Waste Your Money on Training

As a manager, you see a problem and want to fix it. Let’s say your team is not functioning well as a group. Why not put them through a day of training? A quick refresher on how to work better together ought to do it, right?


Quick fix training is never the solution. In fact, training without follow-through is a waste of money. We have measured over 800 training projects. Only 1-in-5 people change their behavior from stand-alone training events.

The key to successful training programs is to ensure the transfer of training to the job. What supports the transfer of training?

  1. Relevance.
    Make sure that the training you have chosen will address the root cause of the problem, that it is aligned with a real business issue, and that the skills learned can be put to use right away. It must be highly relevant to the participants, their bosses and leadership compared to other priorities.
  1. Follow-through.
    Set up a system of accountability and performance coaching so learners are supported as they apply their new skills…and keep it up so the new behaviors become ingrained. This is the only way to turn learning into performance.
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