Improved Performance Can Be Habit Forming

Any new skill requires practice before it becomes an integral and comfortable part of your behavior. It is said that Tiger Woods practices 6-8 hours per day in addition to his fitness regimen. 

The same with new habits. They need to be practiced over and over before they are adopted.

Let’s take some recommendations from experts on how to succeed at forming new habits in order to learn how to effectively the transfer of training to the workplace. Here are two suggested steps:
  1. Have a plan. Write it down and break the new behavior into smaller steps. If, for instance, you want to run better meetings, separate the meeting into distinct action steps: create the agenda, respect timing, keep on subject and end with agreed-upon next actions.
  2. Think through possible challenges. Plan how you will behave if you have a disagreement or conflict of meeting attendees, or when someone tries to dominate the discussion. Don’t be derailed by a situation you can foresee and prepare for.
The skill, as any habit, will become easier with practice…so keep at it.